Sash Windows hung sash window

Sash Windows

Sash windows are characterized by a completely different way of opening than known from most windows in European countries. The opening process of Sash windows is performed with sliding movements upwards or downwards to open or close the window. Sash windows have a lot of advantages especially in terms of saving space, because the window sill can be used even when the window is open, and the opening style gives more freedom in interior design.

Aluminium profile MB-45 sash window

Profile system for Sash Windows

Our Sash Windows are made of first-class aluminum. They are characterized by their lightness and stability and are practically maintenance-free. Please note that we only have sash windows in the aluminum profile MB-45 for indoor use in our assortment. We will be happy to provide you with an individual offer for this.

Structure and components of Sash Windows

structure components of sash windows

What are the components of a Sash Window?

A window sash in the first place is the part of the window that holds the glass with the framework around the glass to keep it in place. They are fitted into the window frame and may or may not be movable.

Sash Windows normally have two vertically sliding shashes inside the casing. The sashes run in two channels on the vertical window stiles. While opening the sashes, two vertical weights to each sash that are hidden behind the side vertical stiles of the frame are controlling the aperture.

Muntins sometimes referred to as glazing- or shash bars are seperating the panes of glass within any sash that has more than one pane. The sash lock is a mechanism that allows you to lock your window. The sill is the horizontal part sitting across your window frame on the exterior at the bottom. It mirrors the stool on the inside of your window.

Tailormade Sash Windows

Simply and conveniently request and order Sash windows online from at reasonable prices